Monday, 26 August 2013

Offensive fake adverts

In our day to day life we are bombarded with advertisements.  Whether you are watching your favorite TV program or simply updating your Facebook status you are bound to come across an advert demanding your attention. Adverts tell us what phone to use, what brand to wear, what pen to write with...the list goes on. This is because in business advertising play an important an important role, because they do not only sell products or services but also help in increasing sales.

Adverts can be very creative  but there are adverts, however, that leave us stretching our heads in wonder or even worse anger. Brands have to be very careful when advertising because with the growing use of social media it is very easy for individuals who hate the brand to fake adverts using the brands name, these adverts can be very cruel and simply unacceptable.

Here are some of the unacceptable fake adverts that caught my attention


This advert uses UHU super glue's tag line holds for life to mock the Abigail and Brittany Hensel twins who share a body.

Mocks the Catholic in their awareness campaign against child abuse.
This was after the horse meat scandal

Against KFC saying the sell halal food

Advert created when singer Chris Brown assault his girlfriend Rihanna.
This Neil Armstrong fake advert was published after he conversed to cheating
8. and then there were a couple of Oscar Pistorius  adverts

Do you see how these adverts can make the life of a PRP hard? What do you think of them? Do you know any other fake advert? Join the conversation and let me know what you think by commenting.


Monday, 19 August 2013

5 Reasons why PR students should blog

As a PR student I have always felt the need to improve my writing skills and from the many articles I have read, I know that blogging is the best way to do this. So I have taken up blogging...well mostly because I have to (assignment). I must admit thou getting started was a struggle, even this post inspiration left me for days.  Nevertheless, here are my 5 reasons why you should start blogging, I hope it will get you started.


1.Your blog could get you a job

On his article Jackson Wightman of Proper Propaganda Communication, mentions that when looking for someone to hire the first thing an employer will checkout is your blog. This is because a blog will give the employer more information about the person than a resume ever could. So one could say your blog is your portfolio...keep it neat.

2.Become a better writer

If, like me, your writing leaves much to be desired, its probably a good reason to start blogging. Writing is a form of communication. And writing, like any other form of communication improves with practice. So start your blogging to improve your writing because writing is a much needed skill in the practice of PR.

3.Network with industry professionals

In his excellent article Michael White, a student blogger, mentions that through your blog you can gain the attention of industry professionals by

  • Writing reviews of their books
  • Writing a blog in response of something they have written
  • Offering to guest post their blog
  • Mentioning them in a post with a link (like I have done)

4.Your blog will help you develop as a PR professional

On his insightful article Tough Sledding make mention of transparency and two-way communication that blogs provide. The same principles are promoted in the practice of PR. Blogs further educate how to interact with readers and other bloggers.

5.Your blog could earn you cash

Now this is my favorite part, because think about it, who would not want to make money online? Blogging is a nice way of building up your portfolio and online presence while providing a service to others e.g. brand endorsing. Of cause it may not be enough to pay you rent but if you use your blog properly you can make money while having fun.

I hope I have inspired a new generation of PR student blogger.
Are you a student blogger? Have I missed anything? Tell me your views on student bloggers. Join the conversation by leaving a comment below.